The Institute of Economics at the University of Campinas (Unicamp) is pleased to host the 3rd Unicamp International School on Development Challenges. The Institute of Economics at Unicamp has a long tradition of discussing development issues and participating actively in public debate.

The School aims to address development concerns of our time by selecting a different topic every year. This third edition will focus on money, finance and development. The School will consist of lectures, debates and study groups related to the topic of money, finance and development.




  • The 3nd International School on Development Challenges: money, finance and development will be held in Campinas, Brazil, between August 15th and 19th, 2022 (Monday to Friday)


  • List of Accepted Candidates: June 15th, 2022

  • Some students will be selected to get financial support!

  • The event will support:

    - 8 students from Latin America with 250 USD

    -1 student from Europe with travel costs and accommodation



Graduate students (MA and PhD) and junior researchers are welcome to apply. 

Candidates must fill the application form and send the following documents, until June 1st of 2022, to: Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo. with the subject “Application to the 3rd Unicamp International School”: 


  1. Application form: https://forms.gle/CocdWEuP6hBtesCGA

  2. a short CV

  3. a short statement (max. 500 words) of your motivation to participate, particularly addressing how the School relates to your study and research interests

  4. a reference letter (the reference letter must be signed)

There are no application nor registration fees.



** We are following all university protocols against COVID-19 for this event. Full information will be provided for selected candidates in order to participate in the School **


  • You must fill the application form online

  • You must send all documents to complete your application

  • All documents must be in English

  • The reference letter must be signed by who is recommending it. It is desirable a reference letter written to this application 

  • Application sent after deadline will not be accepted

  • Documents sent after deadline will not be accepted 

  • Candidates must be available to attend the School in Campinas, Brazil: from August 15th to 19th, 2022

  • The School will take place at the University of Campinas, Campinas, Brazil

  • Candidates must check travel information to attend the school



  1. Only complete applications sent until June 1st, 2022 will be screened by the Organising Committee 

  2. Selected candidates will be notified by email until June 15th, 2022

  3. Selected candidates to financial support will be notified after June 15th, 2022

  4. Selected candidates must confirm attendance by email

  5. Instructions to attend will be sent by email

YSI Special Session - Unicamp International School on Development Challenges
Click for further information



Ana Rosa Ribeiro de Mendonça, University of Campinas

André Martins Biancarelli, University of Campinas

André de Melo Modenesi, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Fadhel Kaboub, Denison University

Fernando Ferrari, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul

Gary Dimsky, University of Leeds

Louis-Philippe Rochon, Lauretian University

Ricardo Carneiro, University of Campinas

Robert Guttmann, Hofstra University

Rogerio Studart, CEBRI

Simone Deos, University of Campinas


For further information, please accesshttps://www.eco.unicamp.br/eventos/3rd-international-school-on-development-challenges