Dear all, I hope this message finds you well!

We would like to thank you for your application to the 1st Unicamp International School on Development Challenges!

Due to the high demand this year we approved a limited number of candidates. If you were not selected, we higly recommed you to apply in the next year for the 2nd Unicamp International School on Development Challenges. Keep following our page for further information.

Selected Candidates should confirm participation. Please send an email to: Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo.

Selected Candidates:

Balint Schlett
Bruno Perez Almansi
Bruno Plattek de Araujo
Carmina Báez
Cecilia Seri
Cheng Li
Daniel Hakuzweyezu
Dario Vazquez
Diana Prelorenzo
Frederico Daniel Naspleda
Illimani Patino Giraldo
Isabela Rocha
Isaías Albertin de Moraes
Iván Kitay
Julián García Sanhueza
Keno Haverkamp
kethelyn caroline balbino de lima ferreira pinto
Kleinsy Yudrani
Bonilla Landaverry
Leila Yasmín Mucarsel Elaskar
Letícia Oliveira
Marcelo Pereira Introini
María Celeste Gomez
Maria Christina Vilar Torres
Maria Cristina Oliveira Souza
Maria Jimena Castillo Aguerre
Maria Pia Garavaglia
Mauricio Caviedes
Naomi Tetteh-batsa
Pedro Henrique Coimbra
Pedro Micussi Pinto
Liu Qi
Sk Esteher Ali
Swathysree S S
Thiago Noronha Sugimoto
Tiago Couto Porto
Vinícius Martinez
Xinwen Zhang

Dear students and colleagues,

Greetings from Campinas!

We are writing to inform you that the 1st Unicamp International School on Development Challenges has been postponed to November 2020 (from the 23rd to the 27th) and it WILL TAKE PLACE ONLINE.

This decision was made in response to the Covid-19 challenge around the world, following advice and guidelines issued by the Brazilian Ministry of Health, the World Health Organization (WHO) as well as by the University of Campinas. The situation in Brazil and in other countries around the world is still complicate, therefore affecting the organization of trips and the rest of the school calendar for students.

Given the date and format changes, the new submission deadline is: 23rd October, 2020.

Call for Application (Updated 22/07/2020)

1st Unicamp International School on Development Challenges – The Productive Dimension

The Institute of Economics at the University of Campinas (Unicamp) is pleased to host the 1st Unicamp International School on Development Challenges. The Institute of Economics at Unicamp has a long tradition of discussing development issues and participating actively in public debate.

The School aims to address development concerns of our time by selecting a different topic every year. This first edition will focus on the productive aspects of development, with special attention to the case of developing countries. The School will consist on lectures, debates and study groups on sustainable development, industrialization/deindustrialization, industrial policy and global value chains.

The first edition of the School will be online, between November 23rd and 27th, 2020 (Monday to Friday).

Confirmed lecturers are:

  • Ademar Romeiro (University of Campinas)
  • Alicia Bárcena (ECLAC’s Executive Secretary)
  • Antonio Andreoni (University College London)
  • Fiona Tregenna (University of Johannesburg)
  • Luciano Coutinho (University of Campinas and ex-president of the Brazilian National Development Bank, BNDES)
  • Yin Li (Fudan University)

How to Apply

Graduate students (MA and PhD) and junior researchers are welcome to apply. Firstly you have to register on the website:

After the registration, you must send the following documents to Este endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo. with the subject “Application to Unicamp International School”:

  • a short CV
  • a short statement (max. 500 words) of your motivation to participate, particularly addressing how the School relates to your study and research interests
  • a reference letter

There are no application nor registration fees.

Submission deadline: October 23rd, 2020

Please, note that the number of positions for the Unicamp International School is limited. Selected candidates will receive an email with the instructions to participate.

More information on the website aqui ou