Autor: Wilson Suzigan, Annibal V. Villela


This book was originally written as a research report for the project Joint Study on Japanese Cooperation in Industrial Policy for Brazil, sponsored by the Institute of Developing Econornies - IDE, Tokyo, June 1995-February 1996. The project was implemented under the Agreement on the Study on Japanese Cooperation in Industrial Policies for Developing Countries, commissioned by the Ministry of International Trade and Industry - MITI.

The report was published by IDE under the title "The Study on Japanese Cooperation in Industrial Policy for Developing Econornies - Brazil", Tokyo: IDE, March 1996.

This is an updated and revised version of that report. The updating included policy changes, data and information available up to September, 1996. The revision was devised to soften the original report style, suppress sections no longer relevant in the present version (as for example the suggestions to Japanese economic cooperation with industrial policy in Brazil), and to add comments on recent industrial policy measures. However, one of the lirnitations of the original report is still prevalent: due to the project's short term and lirnited budget, no field research was carried out. The book is based on data and information from secondary sources.

The authors wish to express their gratitude to IDE officials, particularly during the Workshop Conference on Japanese Cooperation in Industrial Policy for Developing Countries, held in Tokyo, November 27-December 3, 1995. They also wish to acknowledge the research assistance by Fernando Sarti and João Paulo Garcia Leal, both from Núcleo de Economia Industrial e da Tecnologia - NEIT, Instituto de Economia - IE, Universidade Estadual de Campinas - UNICAMP. Fernando Sarti is also the author of an appendix on MERCOSUR.

Computer and secretarial assistance by Pedro Antonio Biffi is gratefully acknowledged. Rosângela de Oliveira Araújo, Susete Regina Cação Ribeiro and Cláudia Di Donato Salvador also helped in earlier phases of the project.

Finally, the authors are specially thankful to Heloísa A. Villela, who helped with text revision; to FAPESP - Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo, for financial support to publish this book, and to Neide Pereira Baldovinotti and Célia Maria Passarelli Quitério, for editing the text for publication.

Campinas, December 1996.